3/12/24: Took a long break to mourn the state of the world. Now working on transferring H.I. into new URL and format. Spent quite a bit of time making assets, expect more updates soon, hopefully.
8/3/23: I've been regrouping some some broad ideas for the story again. I pared down the on-site text a little... hoping to finish links image links and some more drawings soon. Maybe character profile pages will be the next big project once the first archive section is finished.
6/13/23: Two backgrounds and two character graphics are up right now in the intro section, with more to come as I work on the gallery. Thinking about clickable map pages for the archive as well, which should be easy enough, I just need to sit down and do it.
"List of" pages for names and dates are complete, and the Archive Hub is viewable here, though the image isn't interactive yet and the galleries aren't finished.
5/28/23: Intro is complete and Archive Hub page is up. No images up yet but several are completed and ready to be uploaded. Archive page links are coming soon, along with lists.
5/22/23: Working on the first 12 pages for Hollow Inside. Text is up for the first ten and I'll be working on the archive hub next.
4/25/2023: Sidebars now have basic info and all links should be functional.